A Playlist for Readers and Writers: RebelMouthedBooks on Spotify

As a reader AND a writer, I’m constantly searching for music that fits my mood as I’m doing what I love. That’s why I created my own playlist on Spotify for readers and writers like me!

Listen to the RebelMouthedBooks playlist here.


This playlist is a two-in-one: a soothing reading playlist for our beloved bookworms and an inspiring writing playlist for our awesome creatives. Head and heart. Because that’s what reading and writing are all about— challenging the mind and exciting the heart.

I combined instrumental music to get the wheels turning, along with catchy favorites that get the blood flowing. In between, I also negotiated calm. When we’re reading or creating, sometimes it is best to have music without lyrics so our minds focus more on the text. I wanted to honor that, while testing other kinds of sounds that might make us feel new things; unexpected catalysts can push creative thought.

If you have song or artist recommendations, definitely shoot me an email or contact me via Instagram!