What's Chava Possum Up to Today?


Phew, it’s been a heavy reading week over here. I am still reading “When They Call You a Terrorist” in preparation for the Decolonize This Book Club this weekend, and I haven’t started the second book, “Brown Girl Dreaming”. Yesterday, I finished the queer-tastic “Love After the End”, and I was surprised to discover that, by some coincidence, Darcie Little Badger wrote one of the stories in the collection. I’m reading her novel “Elatsoe” next week! It’s a funny coincidence, but it’s also not. Because publishing carries on its long-held legacy of white supremacy, when you seek out Indigenous authors and queer stories, you bump into a lot of the same people.

Support Indigenous-owned and operated publishers and booksellers like Kegedonce Press and Theytus Books.

Theytus has a few books I’d really love to buy soon, like Slash by Jeannette Armstrong and Legacy by Waubgeshig Rice. I’m really adding to my reading list, when I was just talking about having too much to read? That’s the worst part, really, about reading. More books than days; not enough time!

Other than reading, today I hope to plot out more of The Bellview Lunch Lady Rebellion serial. Here’s what that looks like.

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I made it small so that it’s harder to read the details, since things may change between this stage of planning and what is written. But just to give you an idea of what I’m actually over here doing: standing over my bed writing notes on a little white board that I bought myself in high school. Y’all could probably already tell I was that kind of person.

Oh, crow update: It’s been warmer around here this week and the crows have been out and about in groups. So I’ve taken the chance to introduce myself. When I see them, I give a few cah cah cah-s. I think they are starting to recognize me. I guess it’s about time to bring out some food and see what happens!