Posts tagged fear of the ocean
The Loney Commentary

Perhaps the most Catholic book I’ve ever read, Andrew Michael Hurley’s unsettling 2014 debut novel The Loney is about an Easter week, church-trip-gone-awry along a particularly violent stretch of the UK coastline: called the Loney. In the 1970s, a small parish journeys to Coldbarrow, where a shrine to Saint Anne is to be the stage for one of God’s greatest miracles: healing the sick— one of their own— a mute teenager named Hanny. The Loney’s prose mesmerizes as it swallows you up. Though not without an abundance of grim, it’s a story with a tender heart about superstition and ritual, miracles, suicide, the Troubles, and Catholicism’s hypocrisies, like its hatred of and impression of witchcraft for its own benefit.

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