What's Chava Possum Up to Today?



Image credit: Possum Mood, go check out their online store here!

What a fuckin’ week, huh? (The possum screaming really was me yesterday.)

Honestly, I haven’t fully digested the attempted insurrection/coup yesterday and so I’d rather not write about it at the present moment (more to come on that).

The last time I posted a daily blog, I talked a bit about my new schedule and what kinds of content you can expect to see from me over the course of January. Since then, I’ve added a January Posting Schedule to the home page of RMB. That section will update each month accordingly so that you have easy-access to new and upcoming content.

Yesterday, I posted a commentary on Hood Feminism and Black Queer Hoe. The plan is to post a new commentary each week on Wednesdays, so keep an eye out for that.

Beyond reading The Provincials by Eli N. Evans, this week I have also been reading Love Medicine by Louise Erdrich. This is my FIRST Erdrich read and the beauty of her writing has not been overstated; I very much feel like I’m in the hands of a master. Looking forward to sharing my thoughts on that book with you!

In my last daily blog post, I asked y’all about crows— particularly how to feed them. There is an empty lot near my apartment where I go to smoke or just clear my head. It’s a little piece of the high desert— juniper trees, sage-brush, and lots of little critters. And dog poop (it’s the premier dog-shitting location in town, apparently). Since winter began, I’ve seen fewer crows back there compared to summer, when they swoop in and out of the junipers shouting at one another. I feared they had left the area for winter but no! I’ve spotted 2 crows back there who seem to be sticking around. So there is hope for me yet! Today, I plan to go out with some of my cats’ hard food to see if any crows want a nibble. (Folks say pellet pet food is a crowd favorite.) But folks also say that crows can be picky, so we’ll see how they react to pet food first. More updates on befriending crows soon!

Have any of you befriended crows? Or other wild animals? Any tips?